Friday, July 20, 2007

rascal scooter

the past two months have been a test in stamina under stress exacerbated by sleep deprivation. death, wedding, reunion, performance and work have taken their toll (as has the chronic dehydration of five cross-country flights in six week's time). my body has become exhausted to the point of mindless submission, which bizarrely has lead to very good voice lessons. (is the mind too tired to get in the way of the body or the body too tired to listen to the mind?)

i've taken sizable joys in the study of the species this exorbitant travelling has afforded. however, it was upon homecoming that i stumbled on a true treasure of people watching pleasuredom. (keep portland weird, right?)

apparently today is creative use of rascal scooter day among the frosties of gateway. there was the old lady on the red rascal scooter in the drive thru line at burgerville, sandwiched between the black mid-sized SUV and the silver 4-door sedan. no less than an hour later i saw yet another red rascal scooter in automotive territory (although admittedly in the crosswalk and making its way towards the sidewalk). captained by a time-compacted grey-haired male, there was a rope tied to the back of the scooter, and in tow was a wheelchair bearing a round, beret clad old dame. she held the thin rope with both frail hands while her swollen, house-slippered feet shuffled against the ground (as her wheelchair was lacking in footrests and her legs lacking in musculature).

perhaps only a wheelchair towing scooter could top a drive thru scooter.

why this, of all life events, seemed a worthy impetus to commence el bloggo, je ne sais pas. it was simply too preciously strange a sight not to share.

1 comment:

ZERD said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere, O wonder nerd:) I think you'll enjoy your stay. And the wheelchair skiin' granny rox!