Tuesday, November 13, 2007

dreamworks, miseducating our youth

i'm tired of movies that miseducate our children. movies that show children the impossible (i.e., walking into a closet and finding another world on the other side) that intend to expand the imagination our kids are one thing -- they do a service to our children in teaching them how to think outside of the box. i'm talking about movies that are just scientifically sloppy -- because someone thought that was funnier or more interesting or just didn't do research. these movies do a disservice to our kids.

dreamworks has apparently decided that male protagonists are more interesting than female protagonists, and that this justifies an entire re-writing of how the natural world works. in both bee movie and antz, they invent male workers. (here's an article from the ny times on the topic.) what's the point of this? are female characters so lacking in interest? are men so important that we must re-write the laws of nature to invent more male characters?

(don't even get me started on the nickelodeon pile of dung, barnyard, in which cow characters who are male have udders. how? and more importantly, WHY?)

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