Friday, November 9, 2007

dude, no he didn't

my favorite quote from the willy week's review of OTO's muscle max:

"Dave Nemorino (Zakk Hoyt) is the wiener-slinging hero pining after bracelet-bedecked Adina (Natasha Risotto), who harbors a wet spot for hunky Steve Belcore (Michael Miersma)."

hmm. i didn't know one could "harbor" a wet spot.

anyway, my real point is: is the term "a wet spot" really appropriate in this review? (or any review?) having personally seen the show in question, i can find no justification for the use of such an overtly sexual reference in the review of a show that is so insanely PG in its portrayal of the characters' sexuality. lacking substantive reason for the use of blatantly sexual terminology, the reviewer's choice of words is just plain crass. (i'm sensing some gay-boy girl-hating in this choice of words -- the female character is the only one who is so crassly and unnecessarily and inappropriately sexualized -- but that's another conversation.)

here's to a new low in my favorite reviewer's body of work, published by my favorite local paper!

1 comment:

ZERD said...

Amen, sister.
Zakk rants about it on his blog,