Wednesday, January 30, 2008

things that make you go hmm...

While spending geek time in The Aria Database, I decided to read the translation of Monostatos' aria from Die Zauberflöte. Wow. To be sure, it presents an interesting challenge to a director and cast. I had learned from Zerd that Monostatos is a Moor, but I didn't know the extext to which race is present in his lyrics. The few productions I've seen have whitewashed the translation, erasing all traces of race issues. I wonder, however, if a better approach would be to reveal and challenge the biases of that era rather than try to erase them.

The transation from The Aria Database is as follows:

Everything feels the joys of love,
Bills and coos, dallies, cuddles, and kisses,
And I should have avoided love,
Because a black person is ugly!
Was I then not given a heart?
Am I not of flesh and blood?
Always to live without a little wife,
Would truly be the flames of hell!

Thus, I want, because I am living,
To bill and coo, kiss, be tender!
Dear good moon, forgive me,
A white woman captivated me,
White is beautiful! I must kiss her;
Moon, hide yourself for this!
Should it vex you too much,
Oh, then close your eyes!

Speaking of more race politics in opera, I read an interesting article in all that's fit yesterday on a new jazz-style, Katrina-set Porgy and Bess. Realizing I didn't really know much about the plot, I took a trip over to wiki. Again, Wow. To be sure, it presents an interesting challenge to a director and cast. Porgy and Bess is some kind of messed up when viewed in the context of plot and characters, but at the same time it is such an important piece of work when viewed as an œuvre in greater social context.

So much to think about.

(The image here is a print of Monostatos from the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry .)

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