Saturday, February 16, 2008

laughter and my new love of radio lab

i've recently developed a love for 'radio lab' on opb. i keep stumbling into it on friday nights while in the car between dinner and drinks. i have to wrench myself away from it and out of the car to join the fun in the bar.

while looking for a podcast of the "laughter" episode, i discovered that this show is on the air four nights per week on opb. yes!
i couldn't find a podcast of the laugher episode, but i found a webpage for it which contains most of the material from the episode. it looks like it's going to air again next friday (i heard it about a month ago). maybe after that they will podcast it.

their podcast list is enticing, though. i'm looking forward to their exploration of wagner's ring cycle, musical language, sleep, placebo and emergence. it makes my brain tingle with activity!

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