Sunday, March 30, 2008

desperately seeking sense

oh, what a world, what a world.

how is it that corporations manage to have zero brains and zero heart yet audacity up the wazoo?

the big-business of agriculture in south america -- which exists so that we can enjoy produce out of season -- is poisoning us and poisoning the eco-systems and communities where said produce is grown. as if that weren't evil enough, it's detrimental, global impact reaches so far as poisoning the north american birds who winter in south america. (read article here.)

in other "dear god, what kind of mess have we created" news, manufacturers of bio-diesel are making a "green" energy source but are dumping tons of by-product into the rivers. since the by-product is non-toxic to humans, someone apparently thought dumping it in the river would be okay. alas, it is literally suffocating the inhabitants of the river to death. reduce petro dependency, kill eco-systems -- is this really a "green" alternative? (read article here.)

how is it that we allow the import of produce grown with massive pesticide use that would be illegal in the u.s.? and how, in this day and age -- after looking at everything that has happened in this country, everything that is happening in china -- how can anyone think it is okay to dump ANYTHING into a river or lake or ocean...ever?

i blame people. corporations are amalgamations of people -- not some sort of autonomous entity. people in power are making irresponsible decisions. and other people in power profit from it, and their tacit support of the irresposibility makes them just as culpible.

what the fuck is wrong with people

(btw, read casimir's blog for additional education about the enviro- socio-global implications of food we eat -- and some yummy slow-food recipies.)


Unknown said...

People in general kind of suck.

What's interesting though is how you brought up the amalgamation of people. The first blog I started writing (Me Duce Tutus Eris) that eventually turned more into an examination of religion (Christianity or Catholicism to be specific) was started because of the "mob" theory and my interest in it. It's funny that you should point out that corporations are basically just that: mobs of people that somehow have lost the faculties of thinking individually. There are rare instances when corporations act for the public good, but somehow, someway, the people are most assuredly the bricks laid to form the foundation and supports for the almighty conglomerate that is the corporation.

Yes, people are fucked up like that.

Thanks for the pointer to my stuff, too, by the way.

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ZERD said...

News like this always makes me want to go Hermit myself in a cave or other branch-and-vine shelter, propel myself with foot-power solely (ha!), and eat whatever fruits fall naturally from trees. Alas, we have just grown so far away from the realities of the Earth. A hundred years ago, indoor plumbing was a rare luxury; now we use the lack of indoor plumbing as an indication of poverty. America's Declaration of Independence is partly to blame: that pursuit of happiness idea framed a national mindset that said, "if A is good, and all men are equal, then all men deserve A." This cultivated sense of entitlement is killing us (us being the planet, us being a species); but maybe the "entitlement-sense" is Nature's fail-safe against the virus humanity has become.

deeluxegal said...

i can't believe there is blog-comment-spam now. oh, but how appropriate that it showed up on this post? talk about the universe having a sarcastic sense of humor...